Upgrade of Our Video System Nearly Complete!


Sunday: 10:30 AM ET CHURCH (& ONLINE) -- BI-WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY Wednesday 7PM

by: Russell Pavlicek



We have been webcasting our services for over 6 and a half years now!  It doesn't seem very long ago that we streamed our first service, but we've been blessed to have a long successful track record in this area before the current virus situation came on us.

Many other churches were prompted by the restrictions to begin a web presence over the past few months.  We haven't been idle in this area either; we have undergone a top-to-bottom upgrade of our streaming equipment and the results are dramatically better.  Our original streams -- which can still be found in the archive on our WATCH LIVE page -- were a low quality 320x240 (CGA anyone?) video picture with low, poor quality sound.  Our current streams, however, are a tremendous improvement -- 720p HD with louder, clearer sound.  Currently, all but one of our four cameras are producing an HD picture and we are using a digital pathway to transmit sharp videos and scriptures directly to the output stream.  Praise God for this huge upgrade!

Our full services can be watched both online and on-demand from our WATCH LIVE page, and our sermons can be seen on Facebook (they won't allow us to stream recorded music).  Check it out!

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We have been webcasting our services for over 6 and a half years now!  It doesn't seem very long ago that we streamed our first service, but we've been blessed to have a long successful track record in this area before the current virus situation came on us.

Many other churches were prompted by the restrictions to begin a web presence over the past few months.  We haven't been idle in this area either; we have undergone a top-to-bottom upgrade of our streaming equipment and the results are dramatically better.  Our original streams -- which can still be found in the archive on our WATCH LIVE page -- were a low quality 320x240 (CGA anyone?) video picture with low, poor quality sound.  Our current streams, however, are a tremendous improvement -- 720p HD with louder, clearer sound.  Currently, all but one of our four cameras are producing an HD picture and we are using a digital pathway to transmit sharp videos and scriptures directly to the output stream.  Praise God for this huge upgrade!

Our full services can be watched both online and on-demand from our WATCH LIVE page, and our sermons can be seen on Facebook (they won't allow us to stream recorded music).  Check it out!

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